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File of Package cman_fence_vmware
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my ($RELEASE_VERSION, $REDHAT_COPYRIGHT, $BUILD_DATE); #BEGIN_VERSION_GENERATION $RELEASE_VERSION=""; $REDHAT_COPYRIGHT=""; $BUILD_DATE=""; #END_VERSION_GENERATION #### FUNCTIONS ##### # Show error message sub show_error { print STDERR @_; } sub my_exit { my ($exit_code)=@_; # Disconnect from server Util::disconnect(); exit $exit_code; } # Convert one field (string) to format acceptable by DSV. This # means replace any : with \: and \ with \\. sub convert_field_to_dsv { my ($input_line)=@_; $input_line =~ s/([\\:])/\\$1/g; return $input_line } #### Global variables ##### # Aditional options my %opts = ( 'operation' => { type => "=s", help => "The operation to perform (on,off,list,status). " . "Operations on/off/status require name of the virtual machine", default => "list", required => 0, }, 'vmname' => { type => "=s", help => "The name of the virtual machine", required => 0, }, 'datacenter' => { type => "=s", help => "The name of the datacenter", required => 0, } ); ################# ##### MAIN ###### ################# # Conditional use of VIRuntime eval "use VMware::VIRuntime;"; if ($@) { show_error "Please install VI Perl API package to use this tool!\n"; exit 1; } # Parse options Opts::add_options(%opts); Opts::parse(); Opts::validate(); if (!(Opts::get_option('operation')=~/^(on|off|list|status)$/i)) { show_error "Operation should be on, off, list or status!\n"; exit 2; } my $operation=lc(Opts::get_option('operation')); if (($operation ne 'list') && (!defined Opts::get_option('vmname'))) { show_error "Operation on, off, status require vmname parameter!\n"; exit 2; } # Try connect to machine eval { Util::connect(); }; if ($@) { show_error "Cannot connect to server!\nVMware error:".$@; exit 3; } my ($datacenter, $datacenter_view, $vm_views,$vm); # We are connected to machine # If user want's datacenter, we must first find datacenter my %filter=(view_type => 'VirtualMachine'); if( defined (Opts::get_option('datacenter')) ) { $datacenter = Opts::get_option('datacenter'); $datacenter_view = Vim::find_entity_view(view_type => 'Datacenter', filter => { name => $datacenter }); if (!$datacenter_view) { show_error "Cannot find datacenter ".$datacenter."!\n"; my_exit 4; } $filter{'begin_entity'}=$datacenter_view; } if ($operation ne 'list') { $filter{'filter'}= {"" => Opts::get_option('vmname')}; } $vm_views = Vim::find_entity_views(%filter); my $found=0; # Traverse all found vm foreach $vm(@$vm_views) { if (($operation eq 'list') or ($operation eq 'status')) { if (!$vm->summary->config->template) { print convert_field_to_dsv($vm->name).":". convert_field_to_dsv($vm->summary->config->vmPathName).":". convert_field_to_dsv($vm->runtime->powerState->val).":". convert_field_to_dsv($vm->runtime->connectionState->val)."\n"; } } elsif ($operation eq 'on') { eval { $vm->PowerOnVM(); }; if ($@) { # If error is SoapFault with InvalidPowerState, user maybe use some auto power on tool. # This is not error, warning is enought. if (ref($@) eq 'SoapFault') { if (ref($@->detail) eq 'InvalidPowerState') { show_error "Warning: Cannot power on vm (somebody done it before???) ".Opts::get_option('vmname'). "!\nVMware error:".$@."\n"; } } else { # Some other more serious problem show_error "Cannot power on vm ".Opts::get_option('vmname')."!\nVMware error:".$@."\n"; my_exit 6; } } } elsif ($operation eq 'off') { eval { $vm->PowerOffVM(); }; if ($@) { # If error is SoapFault with InvalidPowerState, user maybe use some auto power off tool. # This is not error, warning is enought. if (ref($@) eq 'SoapFault') { if (ref($@->detail) eq 'InvalidPowerState') { show_error "Warning: Cannot power off vm (somebody done it before???) ".Opts::get_option('vmname'). "!\nVMware error:".$@."\n"; } } else { # Some other more serious problem show_error "Cannot power off vm ".Opts::get_option('vmname')."!\nVMware error:".$@."\n"; my_exit 6; } } } else { show_error "Operation should be on, off or list!\n"; my_exit 2; } $found++; } if ((!$found) && ($operation ne 'list')) { show_error "Cannot find vm ".Opts::get_option('vmname')."!\n"; my_exit 5; } # Should be 0 -> success all, or 6 in case of error my_exit 0; __END__ =head1 NAME fence_vmware_helper - Perform list of virtual machines and poweron, poweroff of operations on virtual machines. =head1 SYNOPSIS fence_vmware_helper --operation <on|off|list|status> [options] =head1 DESCRIPTION This VI Perl command-line utility provides an interface for seven common provisioning operations on one or more virtual machines: powering on, powering off and listing virtual mode. =head1 OPTIONS =head2 GENERAL OPTIONS =over =item B<operation> Operation to be performed. One of the following: <on> (power on one or more virtual machines), <off> (power off one or more virtual machines), <list> (list virtual machines and their status) <status> (same as list, but show only machines with vmname) =item B<vmname> Optional. Name of the virtual machine on which the operation is to be performed. =item B<datacenter> Optional. Name of the datacenter for the virtual machine(s). Operations will be performed on all the virtual machines under the given datacenter. =back =head1 EXAMPLES Power on a virtual machine fence_vmware_helper --username administrator --password administrator --operation on --vmname rhel --server win1 fence_vmware_helper --username administrator --password administrator --operation on --vmname rhel --server win1 --datacenter Datacenter Power off a virtual machine fence_vmware_helper --username administrator --password administrator --operation off --vmname rhel --server win1 perl fence_vmware_helper --username administrator --password administrator --operation off --vmname rhel --server win1 --datacenter Datacenter List of virtual machines fence_vmware_helper --username administrator --password administrator --server win1 fence_vmware_helper --username administrator --password administrator --server win1 --operation list Get status of virtual machine fence_vmware_helper --username administrator --password administrator --server win1 --vmname rhel --operation status =head1 SUPPORTED PLATFORMS All operations supported on ESX 3.0.1 All operations supported on Virtual Center 2.0.1