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File zenoss-2.5.1.spec of Package zenoss (Revision 3)
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# # This spec file defines the input constraints and build system for # Zenoss when it is installed onto an RPM based system. # # For information on what arguments are passed to %pre, %post, %preun, # and %postun see the following URL: # # # the location where zenoss is installed %define zenhome /opt/zenoss # the location where zope is installed %define zopehome %{zenhome} # mysql is used for the events database %define mysql_username zenoss %define mysql_passwd zenoss %define mysql_database events # zope is used for the web interface %define zope_passwd zenoss # a shell account controls the zenoss processes %define os_username zenoss %define os_uid 1337 %define os_home /home/zenoss %define os_shell /bin/bash # the version of python we require %define python_required_version 2.4 # set to 1 if the version of the software to be built is the trunk # if trunk is set to 0 the version will be extrapolated from the # rpm information contained in the %{version} and %{release} vars %define trunk 0 # the location of the snmp configuration file and mysql configuration %define snmpd_conf /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf %define my_cnf /etc/my.cnf # don't terminate the build when there are unpackaged (but installed) files %define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 0 # avoid advertising Zenoss as the provider of libs we package for internal consumption only (see #5354) %define __find_provides %{nil} %define pkgrelease 440.el5 # the RPM meta information Name: zenoss Summary: The Open Source Network Management System URL: Version: 2.5.1 Release: %{pkgrelease} License: GPLv2 Vendor: Zenoss, Inc. Packager: Glenn Streiff <> Group: Applications/System Source0: %{name}-%{version}-%{pkgrelease}.tar.bz2 Requires(pre): shadow-utils BuildRequires: gcc-c++ BuildRequires: gcc BuildRequires: subversion BuildRequires: zlib-devel BuildRequires: make BuildRequires: patch BuildRequires: autoconf >= 2.53 BuildRequires: swig >= 1.3 BuildRequires: which BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root Requires: net-snmp Requires: binutils Requires: libgcj Requires: libgomp Requires: liberation-fonts # additional provides BuildRequires: mysql-devel >= 5.0.22 BuildRequires: mysql >= 5.0.22 Requires: mysql-server >= 5.0.22 Requires: mysql >= 5.0.22 Requires: python >= 2.3.4 Requires: net-snmp-utils # -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= %description Zenoss is an IT infrastructure monitoring product that allows you to monitor your entire infrastructure within a single, integrated software application. Key features include: * Monitors the entire stack o networks, servers, applications, services, power, environment, etc... * Monitors across all perspectives o discovery, configuration, availability, performance, events, alerts, etc. * Affordable and easy to use o unlike the big suites offered by IBM, HP, BMC, CA, etc... o unlike first generation open source tools... * Complete open source package o complete solution available as free, open source software # -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= %prep # -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= %setup # changelog-section # -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= %build replace() { SEARCH=$1 REPLACE=$2 FILE=$3 TEMP=/tmp/`basename $FILE` sed -e "s%${SEARCH}%${REPLACE}%g" < ${FILE} > ${TEMP} mv ${TEMP} ${FILE} } # clean up the old build if it is still laying around rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} # map environment variables to .spec variables export ZENHOME=%{zenhome} export ZOPEPASSWORD=%{zope_passwd} export DESTDIR=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} # load up the build functions ZEN_BUILD_DIR=${RPM_BUILD_DIR}/%{name}-%{version} . ${ZEN_BUILD_DIR}/ # set up make and the python path set_make # set the SVNTAG variable and honor the trunk flag if [ "%{trunk}" = "1" ]; then SVNTAG="trunk" else SVNTAG="tags/%{name}-%{version}" fi # do NOT setuid zensocket export SETUID="" # set the BUILD_DIR variable in order to optimize the RPM assembly process export OPTIMIZED_BUILD_DIR=/tmp/zenoss-externallibs # optionally set the PLATFORM_PYTHON if this platform runs python 2.4 PLATFORM_PYTHON="" for TEST_PYTHON in \ `which python%{python_required_version}` \ `which python` do PLATFORM_PYTHON_VERSION=`${TEST_PYTHON} -c "import sys; print '.'.join(map(str, sys.version_info[:2]))"` echo "${TEST_PYTHON} - ${PLATFORM_PYTHON_VERSION}" if [ "${PLATFORM_PYTHON_VERSION}" = "%{python_required_version}" ]; then PLATFORM_PYTHON=${TEST_PYTHON} break fi done # But if /usr/bin/python is python2.3, we're probably on a box that ships with # python2.3, so we should build our own SYSPYTHON=`/usr/bin/python -c "import sys; print '.'.join(map(str, sys.version_info[:2]))"` if [ "$SYSPYTHON" != "%{python_required_version}" ]; then PLATFORM_PYTHON="" fi find_python # compile external libs and pull down zenoss compile # remove the nagios-plugins perl scripts that force ugly deps DIR=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/${ZENHOME}/libexec DIRNAME=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/${ZENHOME}/libexec for file in \ `grep perl $DIRNAME/* | awk '{print $1}' | cut -d: -f1 | sort -u` do rm -f $file done # remove the CM artifacts ZEN_INST_DIR=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/${ZENHOME} find ${ZEN_INST_DIR} -name .svn | xargs rm -rf # remove the .conf files but leave the .conf.examples rm ${ZEN_INST_DIR}/etc/*.conf # create the .manifest file echo "%{name} %{version}-%{release}" > ${ZEN_INST_DIR}/.manifest # copy some configuration files to the /etc installation directory ZEN_BUILD_DIR=${RPM_BUILD_DIR}/%{name}-%{version} CONF_DIR=${ZEN_BUILD_DIR}/conf mkdir -p ${ZEN_INST_DIR}/etc cp ${CONF_DIR}/snmpd.conf ${ZEN_INST_DIR}/etc cp ${CONF_DIR}/my.cnf ${ZEN_INST_DIR}/etc mkdir ${ZEN_INST_DIR}/log # land the zenctl into the init.d directory as "zenoss" INIT_SCRIPT_DIR=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_initrddir} START_SCRIPT=${INIT_SCRIPT_DIR}/zenoss INIT_PRE_SCRIPT=${ZEN_INST_DIR}/bin/zenoss_init_pre INIT_POST_SCRIPT=${ZEN_INST_DIR}/bin/zenoss_init_post UPGRADE_PRE_SCRIPT=${ZEN_INST_DIR}/bin/zenoss_upgrade_pre UPGRADE_POST_SCRIPT=${ZEN_INST_DIR}/bin/zenoss_upgrade_post mkdir -p ${INIT_SCRIPT_DIR} cp ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{zenhome}/bin/zenctl ${START_SCRIPT} for file in \ ${START_SCRIPT} \ ${INIT_PRE_SCRIPT} \ ${INIT_POST_SCRIPT} \ ${UPGRADE_PRE_SCRIPT} \ ${UPGRADE_POST_SCRIPT} do replace "\*\*OS_USERNAME\*\*" "%{os_username}" ${file} replace "\*\*OS_UID\*\*" "%{os_uid}" ${file} replace "\*\*ZENHOME\*\*" "%{zenhome}" ${file} replace "\*\*MYSQL_HOST\*\*" "localhost" ${file} replace "\*\*MYSQL_PORT\*\*" "3306" ${file} replace "\*\*MYSQL_ROOT_USERNAME\*\*" "root" ${file} replace "\*\*MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWD\*\*" "" ${file} replace "\*\*MYSQL_HOST\*\*" "localhost" ${file} replace "\*\*MYSQL_USERNAME\*\*" "%{mysql_username}" ${file} replace "\*\*MYSQL_PASSWD\*\*" "%{mysql_passwd}" ${file} replace "\*\*MYSQL_DATABASE\*\*" "%{mysql_database}" ${file} replace "\*\*ZOPE_PASSWD\*\*" "%{zope_passwd}" ${file} replace "\*\*SNMPD_CONF\*\*" "%{snmpd_conf}" ${file} replace "\*\*MY_CNF\*\*" "%{my_cnf}" ${file} replace "\*\*ZOPEHOME\*\*" "%{zopehome}" ${file} replace "\*\*PYTHON\*\*" "%{zenhome}/bin/python" ${file} chmod +x ${file} done # copy the [install,shared]-functions because they are used by zenoss_init cp ${ZEN_BUILD_DIR}/ ${ZEN_INST_DIR}/bin cp ${ZEN_BUILD_DIR}/ ${ZEN_INST_DIR}/bin # copy filesystem scripts to the real filesystem cd ${ZEN_BUILD_DIR}/extras/etc for file in \ `find . -type f | grep -v .svn` do DEST=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/${file} DIR=`dirname $DEST` if [ ! -d ${DIR} ]; then mkdir -p ${DIR} fi cp ${file} ${DEST} replace "\*\*ZENHOME\*\*" "%{zenhome}" ${DEST} done # -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= %install # several libraries contain an include path that includes # RPM_BUILD_ROOT. setting this flag subverts the checking for # RPM_BUILD_ROOT in the files QA_SKIP_BUILD_ROOT="DO_NOT_WANT"; export QA_SKIP_BUILD_ROOT # -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= %files # make the following files owned by zenoss:wheel with the default perms %defattr(-,zenoss,zenoss) %doc %{zenhome}/Products/LICENSE.txt %doc %{zenhome}/Products/COPYRIGHT.txt %{zenhome} %defattr(4755,root,zenoss) %{zenhome}/bin/zensocket # make the following files owned by root:root with 755 perms %defattr(755,root,root) /etc # -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= %pre # create the zenoss group add_group() { # create the zenoss group and move the zenoss user into the group GROUP=`cat /etc/group | cut -d: -f1 | grep %{os_username}` EXISTS=$? if [ $EXISTS -eq 1 ]; then /usr/sbin/groupadd %{os_username} fi } # add the zenoss user add_user() { getent passwd %{os_username} > /dev/null 2>&1 || \ /usr/sbin/useradd -r -m -c "Zenoss Account" \ -u %{os_uid} \ -g %{os_username} \ -d %{os_home} \ -s %{os_shell} \ -p \$1\$5afX49ZL\$sx0UlhhU9QZwbE/howDLk. \ %{os_username} } # move the zenoss user into the zenoss group set_group() { getent group ${os_username} > /dev/null || groupadd -r ${os_username} } # called when we are upgrading or reinstalling (but not erasing, or installing) if [ $1 -eq 2 ]; then # back up the conf files TEMP_DIR=/tmp/zenossrpmupgrade/$$ mkdir -p $TEMP_DIR cp ${ZENHOME}/etc/*.conf $TEMP_DIR echo $TEMP_DIR > /tmp/zenossrpmupgrade/dirname.txt # add the zenoss group and move the zenoss user into the group add_group set_group fi # called when we are installing (but not erasing, upgrading, or reinstalling) if [ $1 -eq 1 ]; then # add the zenoss group and the zenoss user add_group add_user fi # -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= %post # some files have to be setuid 0. they are set here setuid() { for file in \ %{zenhome}/bin/zensocket do chown root:root ${file} chmod 4755 ${file} done } # load up the install functions export ZENHOME=%{zenhome} . ${ZENHOME}/bin/ . ${ZENHOME}/bin/ # set environment variables export OS_USERNAME=%{os_username} export OS_UID=%{os_uid} export OS_HOME=%{os_home} export OS_SHELL=%{os_shell} # kill off any zeo/zope/zen processes that are running kill_running # optionally update the bashrc for the user (using the append function) bashrc=%{os_home}/.bashrc append ZENHOME %{zenhome} ${bashrc} append PATH '${ZENHOME}/bin:${PATH}' ${bashrc} append PYTHONPATH %{zenhome}/lib/python ${bashrc} append LD_LIBRARY_PATH %{zenhome}/lib ${bashrc} chown %{os_username} ${bashrc} # set up symlinks for all the runlevels chkconfig --add zenoss # run these commands when installing, but not upgrading or reinstalling if [ $1 -eq 1 ]; then # update the files to be setuid setuid # set the flag to identify this as a fresh install (rather than an # upgrade) touch ${ZENHOME}/.fresh_install chown %{os_username}:%{os_username} ${ZENHOME}/.fresh_install fi # run these commands when upgrading (but not installing or reinstalling) if [ $1 -eq 2 ]; then # set the flag to identify this as an upgrade (rather than a fresh # install) touch ${ZENHOME}/.upgraded chown %{os_username}:%{os_username} ${ZENHOME}/.upgraded # update the files to be setuid setuid # remove the .pyc files that were written by python while zenoss ran find ${ZENHOME} -name \*.pyc -exec rm -f '{}' \; fi # -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= %preun export OS_USERNAME=%{os_username} # load up the install functions . %{zenhome}/bin/ . %{zenhome}/bin/ # kill off any zeo/zope/zen processes that are running kill_running # remove symlinks for all the runlevels chkconfig --del zenoss # -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= %postun # called when we are erasing the package (but not upgrading) if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then # restore snmpd.conf and my.cnf if [ -f %{snmpd_conf}.orig ]; then cp %{snmpd_conf}.orig %{snmpd_conf} fi # remove shell account /usr/sbin/userdel %{os_username} # clean up the various files written by the application for target in \ %{zenhome}/Products \ %{zenhome}/log \ %{zenhome}/.fresh_install \ %{zenhome}/.upgraded \ /tmp/renderserver do rm -rf ${target} done fi # -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= %clean #rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}