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File of Package nagios-plugins-snmp
#!/usr/bin/perl # This Plugin checks the hardware of DELL 35XX and 62XX Switches (fans, temp-sensor, power supply) # tested only with PC3524 and the PC6248. # # Copyright (c) 2009 Gerrit Doornenbal, g(dot)doornenbal(at)hccnet(dot)nl # Many thanks to Sascha Tentscher , who provided a very good example with his 3com plugin! # feb.2012: Thanks to Vicente Gavara Padilla for his work to address hash/communication/time-out errors. # # release history: # 2009: Initial release, no version number. # 3-2012 Version 1.1: update to address has/communication/time-out errors. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-130 use strict; use Net::SNMP; if ($#ARGV == -1) { print_help(); } my %status = ( 'OK' => '0', 'WARNING' => '1', 'CRITICAL' => '2', 'UNKNOWN' => '3' ); my %unitstates = ( '1' => 'unknown', '2' => 'inactive', '3' => 'OK', '4' => 'loading' ); my %entitystate = ( '1' => 'normal', '2' => 'warning', '3' => 'critical', '4' => 'shutdown', '5' => 'notPresent', '6' => 'notFunctioning' ); sub pars_args { my $ip = ""; my $community = ""; while($ARGV[0] =~/^-/) { if($ARGV[0] =~/^-H|^--host/) { $ip = $ARGV[1]; shift @ARGV; shift @ARGV; next; } if($ARGV[0] =~/^-C|^--Community/) { $community = $ARGV[1]; shift @ARGV; shift @ARGV; next; } } return ($ip, $community); } sub print_help() { print " v1.1 (feb-2012)\n\n"; print "This Plugin checks the hardware of DELL 35XX and 62XX\nswitches (fans, temp-sensor, power supply), and probably\nmore models! (not tested)\n\n"; print "Usage: -H host -C community\n"; print "Options:\n"; print " -H --host STRING or IPADDRESS\n"; print " Check interface on the indicated host.\n"; print " -C --community STRING\n"; print " Community-String for SNMP-Walk.\n\n"; exit($status{"UNKNOWN"}); } sub get_snmp_session { my $ip = $_[0]; my $community = $_[1]; my ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session( -hostname => $ip, -community => $community, -port => 161, -timeout => 1, -retries => 3, -translate => [-timeticks => 0x0] #schaltet Umwandlung von Timeticks in Zeitformat aus ); return ($session, $error); } sub close_snmp_session { my $session = $_[0]; $session->close(); } sub get_snmp_request { my $session = $_[0]; my $oid = $_[1]; return $session->get_request($oid); } sub get_snmp_table { my $session = $_[0]; my $oid = $_[1]; return $session->get_table($oid); } my ($ip, $community) = pars_args(); my ($session, $error) = get_snmp_session($ip, $community); my $oid_unitdesc = "."; my $oid_unitstate = "."; my $oid_tempstatus = "."; my $oid_fanname = "."; my $oid_fanstate = "."; my $oid_psuname = "."; my $oid_psustate = "."; # Code added for managing SNMP get request errors my $result; my $unitdesc; if ($result = get_snmp_request($session, $oid_unitdesc)) { $unitdesc = $result->{$oid_unitdesc}; } else { print "UNKNOWN - Unable to get data from $ip\n"; exit($status{UNKNOWN}); } my $unitstate; if ($result = get_snmp_request($session, $oid_unitstate)) { $unitstate = $result->{$oid_unitstate}; } else { print "UNKNOWN - Unable to get data from $ip\n"; exit($status{UNKNOWN}); } #check temperature if possible (Only PC35XX ..??) my $temperature = ""; if ($unitdesc =~ /35/i) { $temperature = ", Temp = "; # Code added for managing SNMP get request errors my $tempstatus; if ($result = get_snmp_request($session, $oid_tempstatus)) { $tempstatus = $result->{$oid_tempstatus}; } else { print "UNKNOWN - Unable to get data from $ip\n"; exit($status{UNKNOWN}) } $temperature .=$tempstatus; } my %result1 = %{get_snmp_table($session, $oid_fanname)}; my %result2 = %{get_snmp_table($session, $oid_fanstate)}; my %result3 = %{get_snmp_table($session, $oid_psuname)}; my %result4 = %{get_snmp_table($session, $oid_psustate)}; my $counter = 0; my $counter1 = 0; my @fanname; my @fanstate; my @psuname; my @psustate; #find fanstates foreach my $oid(sort keys %result1) { $fanname[$counter] = $result1{$oid}; $counter++; } $counter = 0; foreach my $oid(sort keys %result2) { $fanstate[$counter] = $result2{$oid}; $counter++; } #find PSU states $counter1 = 0; foreach my $oid(sort keys %result3) { $psuname[$counter1] = $result3{$oid}; $counter1++; } $counter1 = 0; foreach my $oid(sort keys %result4) { $psustate[$counter1] = $result4{$oid}; $counter1++; } close_snmp_session($session); # Create output line my $string = $unitdesc.": ".$unitstates{$unitstate}.$temperature; for(my $i =0; $i<$counter; $i++) { if ($fanstate[$i] !=5) { $string .= ", "; $string .= $fanname[$i]." ".$entitystate{$fanstate[$i]}; } } for(my $i =0; $i<$counter1; $i++) { if ($psustate[$i] !=5) { $string .= ", "; $string .= $psuname[$i]." ".$entitystate{$psustate[$i]}; } } #create correct exit state my $state = "OK"; if($string =~/UNKNOWN/) { $state = "UNKNOWN"; } if($string =~/inactive|notpresent|WARNING/) { $state = "WARNING"; } if($string =~/Error/) { $state = "CRITICAL"; } print $string."\n"; exit($status{$state});