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File BSSolv.xs of Package perl-BSSolv
#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE #define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #include "XSUB.h" #define MULTI_SEMANTICS #include "pool.h" #include "repo.h" #include "util.h" #include "evr.h" #include "hash.h" #include "repo_solv.h" #include "repo_write.h" #include "repo_rpmdb.h" #include "repo_deb.h" typedef struct _Expander { Pool *pool; Map ignored; Map ignoredx; Queue preferposq; Map preferpos; Map preferposx; Map preferneg; Map prefernegx; Queue conflictsq; Map conflicts; int debug; } Expander; typedef Pool *BSSolv__pool; typedef Repo *BSSolv__repo; typedef Expander *BSSolv__expander; static Id buildservice_id; static Id buildservice_repocookie; static Id buildservice_external; /* make sure bit n is usable */ #define MAPEXP(m, n) ((m)->size < (((n) + 8) >> 3) ? map_grow(m, n + 256) : 0) #define REPOCOOKIE "buildservice repo 1.0" static int myrepowritefilter(Repo *repo, Repokey *key, void *kfdata) { int i; if (key->name == SOLVABLE_URL) return KEY_STORAGE_DROPPED; if (key->name == SOLVABLE_HEADEREND) return KEY_STORAGE_DROPPED; if (key->name == SOLVABLE_PACKAGER) return KEY_STORAGE_DROPPED; if (key->name == SOLVABLE_GROUP) return KEY_STORAGE_DROPPED; if (key->name == SOLVABLE_LICENSE) return KEY_STORAGE_DROPPED; i = repo_write_stdkeyfilter(repo, key, kfdata); if (i == KEY_STORAGE_VERTICAL_OFFSET) return KEY_STORAGE_DROPPED; return i; } static inline char * hvlookupstr(HV *hv, const char *key, int keyl) { SV **svp = hv_fetch(hv, key, keyl, 0); if (!svp) return 0; return SvPV_nolen(*svp); } static inline AV * hvlookupav(HV *hv, const char *key, int keyl) { SV *sv, **svp = hv_fetch(hv, key, keyl, 0); if (!svp) return 0; sv = *svp; if (!sv || !SvROK(sv) || SvTYPE(SvRV(sv)) != SVt_PVAV) return 0; return (AV *)SvRV(sv); } static Id makeevr(Pool *pool, char *e, char *v, char *r) { char *s; if (!v) return 0; if (e && !strcmp(e, "0")) e = 0; if (e) s = pool_tmpjoin(pool, e, ":", v); else s = v; if (r) s = pool_tmpjoin(pool, s, "-", r); return str2id(pool, s, 1); } static inline char * avlookupstr(AV *av, int n) { SV **svp = av_fetch(av, n, 0); if (!svp) return 0; return SvPV_nolen(*svp); } static inline Id id2name(Pool *pool, Id id) { while (ISRELDEP(id)) { Reldep *rd = GETRELDEP(pool, id); id = rd->name; } return id; } static Id dep2id(Pool *pool, char *s) { char *n; Id id; int flags; if ((n = strchr(s, '|')) != 0) { id = dep2id(pool, n + 1); *n = 0; id = rel2id(pool, dep2id(pool, s), id, REL_OR, 1); *n = '|'; return id; } while (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t') s++; n = s; while (*s && *s != ' ' && *s != '\t' && *s != '<' && *s != '=' && *s != '>') s++; id = strn2id(pool, n, s - n, 1); if (!*s) return id; while (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t') s++; flags = 0; for (;;s++) { if (*s == '<') flags |= REL_LT; else if (*s == '=') flags |= REL_EQ; else if (*s == '>') flags |= REL_GT; else break; } if (!flags) return id; while (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t') s++; return rel2id(pool, id, str2id(pool, s, 1), flags, 1); } static inline void expander_installed(Expander *xp, Id p, Map *installed, Map *conflicts, Queue *out, Queue *todo) { Pool *pool = xp->pool; Solvable *s = pool->solvables + p; Id req, id, *reqp; const char *n; MAPSET(installed, p); queue_push(out, p); if (MAPTST(&xp->conflicts, s->name)) { int i; for (i = 0; i < xp->conflictsq.count; i++) { Id p2, pp2; Id id = xp->conflictsq.elements[i]; if (id != s->name) continue; id = xp->conflictsq.elements[i ^ 1]; FOR_PROVIDES(p2, pp2, id) { if (pool->solvables[p2].name == id) { MAPEXP(conflicts, pool->nsolvables); MAPSET(conflicts, p2); } } } } if (s->requires) { reqp = s->repo->idarraydata + s->requires; while ((req = *reqp++) != 0) { if (req == SOLVABLE_PREREQMARKER) continue; id = id2name(pool, req); if (MAPTST(&xp->ignored, id)) continue; if (MAPTST(&xp->ignoredx, id)) { Id xid = str2id(pool, pool_tmpjoin(pool, id2str(pool, s->name), ":", id2str(pool, id)), 0); if (xid && MAPTST(&xp->ignored, xid)) continue; } n = id2str(pool, id); if (!strncmp(n, "rpmlib(", 7)) { MAPEXP(&xp->ignored, id); MAPSET(&xp->ignored, id); continue; } if (*n == '/') { MAPEXP(&xp->ignored, id); MAPSET(&xp->ignored, id); continue; } queue_push2(todo, req, p); } } } #define ERROR_NOPROVIDER 1 #define ERROR_CHOICE 2 int expander_expand(Expander *xp, Queue *in, Queue *out) { Pool *pool = xp->pool; Queue todo, errors, cerrors, qq, posfoundq; Map installed; Map conflicts; Solvable *s; Id q, p, pp; int i, j, nerrors, doamb, ambcnt; Id id, who, whon, pn; map_init(&installed, pool->nsolvables); map_init(&conflicts, 0); queue_init(&todo); queue_init(&qq); queue_init(&errors); queue_init(&cerrors); queue_init(&posfoundq); queue_empty(out); /* do direct expands */ for (i = 0; i < in->count; i++) { id = in->elements[i]; q = 0; FOR_PROVIDES(p, pp, id) { s = pool->solvables + p; if (!pool_match_nevr(pool, s, id)) continue; if (q) { q = 0; break; } q = p; } if (q) { if (MAPTST(&installed, q)) continue; if (xp->debug) { printf("added %s because of %s (direct dep)\n", id2str(pool, pool->solvables[q].name), dep2str(pool, id)); fflush(stdout); } expander_installed(xp, q, &installed, &conflicts, out, &todo); /* unique match! */ } else queue_push2(&todo, id, 0); } doamb = 0; ambcnt = todo.count; while (todo.count) { id = queue_shift(&todo); who = queue_shift(&todo); if (ambcnt == 0) { if (doamb) break; /* amb pass had no progress, stop */ if (xp->debug) { printf("now doing undecided dependencies\n"); fflush(stdout); } doamb = 1; /* start amb pass */ ambcnt = todo.count; } else ambcnt -= 2; // printf("todo %s %s ambcnt %d\n", id2str(pool, pool->solvables[who].name), dep2str(pool, id), ambcnt); // fflush(stdout); whon = pool->solvables[who].name; queue_empty(&qq); FOR_PROVIDES(p, pp, id) { Id pn; if (MAPTST(&installed, p)) break; pn = pool->solvables[p].name; if (who && MAPTST(&xp->ignored, pn)) break; if (who && MAPTST(&xp->ignoredx, pn)) { Id xid = str2id(pool, pool_tmpjoin(pool, id2str(pool, whon), ":", id2str(pool, pn)), 0); if (xid && MAPTST(&xp->ignored, xid)) break; } if (conflicts.size && MAPTST(&conflicts, p)) continue; queue_push(&qq, p); } if (p) continue; if (qq.count == 0) { queue_push(&errors, ERROR_NOPROVIDER); queue_push2(&errors, id, who); continue; } if (qq.count > 1 && !doamb) { /* try again later */ queue_push2(&todo, id, who); if (xp->debug) { printf("undecided about %s:%s:", id2str(pool, whon), dep2str(pool, id)); for (i = 0; i < qq.count; i++) printf(" %s", id2str(pool, pool->solvables[qq.elements[i]].name)); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); } continue; } /* prune neg prefers */ if (qq.count > 1) { for (i = j = 0; i < qq.count; i++) { p = qq.elements[i]; pn = pool->solvables[p].name; if (MAPTST(&xp->preferneg, pn)) continue; if (who && MAPTST(&xp->prefernegx, pn)) { Id xid = str2id(pool, pool_tmpjoin(pool, id2str(pool, whon), ":", id2str(pool, pn)), 0); if (xid && MAPTST(&xp->preferneg, xid)) continue; } qq.elements[j++] = p; } if (j) queue_truncate(&qq, j); } /* prune pos prefers */ if (qq.count > 1) { queue_empty(&posfoundq); for (i = j = 0; i < qq.count; i++) { p = qq.elements[i]; pn = pool->solvables[p].name; if (MAPTST(&xp->preferpos, pn)) { queue_push2(&posfoundq, pn, p); qq.elements[j++] = p; continue; } if (who && MAPTST(&xp->preferposx, pn)) { Id xid = str2id(pool, pool_tmpjoin(pool, id2str(pool, whon), ":", id2str(pool, pn)), 0); if (xid && MAPTST(&xp->preferpos, xid)) { queue_push2(&posfoundq, pn, p); qq.elements[j++] = p; continue; } } } if (posfoundq.count == 2) { queue_empty(&qq); queue_push(&qq, posfoundq.elements[1]); } else if (posfoundq.count) { /* found a pos prefer, now find first hit */ /* (prefers are ordered) */ for (i = 0; i < xp->preferposq.count; i++) { Id xid = xp->preferposq.elements[i]; for (j = 0; j < posfoundq.count; j += 2) if (posfoundq.elements[j] == xid) break; if (j < posfoundq.count) { queue_empty(&qq); queue_push(&qq, posfoundq.elements[j + 1]); break; } } } } /* prune OR deps */ if (qq.count > 1 && ISRELDEP(id) && GETRELDEP(pool, id)->flags == REL_OR) { Id rid = id; for (;;) { Reldep *rd = 0; if (ISRELDEP(rid)) { rd = GETRELDEP(pool, rid); if (rd->flags != REL_OR) rd = 0; } if (rd) rid = rd->name; queue_empty(&qq); FOR_PROVIDES(p, pp, rid) queue_push(&qq, p); if (qq.count) break; if (rd) rid = rd->evr; else break; } } if (qq.count > 1) { queue_push(&cerrors, ERROR_CHOICE); queue_push2(&cerrors, id, who); for (i = 0; i < qq.count; i++) queue_push(&cerrors, qq.elements[i]); queue_push(&cerrors, 0); /* try again later */ queue_push2(&todo, id, who); continue; } if (xp->debug) { printf("added %s because of %s:%s\n", id2str(pool, pool->solvables[qq.elements[0]].name), id2str(pool, whon), dep2str(pool, id)); fflush(stdout); } expander_installed(xp, qq.elements[0], &installed, &conflicts, out, &todo); doamb = 0; ambcnt = todo.count; queue_empty(&cerrors); } map_free(&installed); map_free(&conflicts); nerrors = 0; if (errors.count || cerrors.count) { queue_empty(out); for (i = 0; i < errors.count; i += 3) { queue_push(out, errors.elements[i]); queue_push(out, errors.elements[i + 1]); queue_push(out, errors.elements[i + 2]); nerrors++; } for (i = 0; i < cerrors.count; ) { queue_push(out, cerrors.elements[i]); queue_push(out, cerrors.elements[i + 1]); queue_push(out, cerrors.elements[i + 2]); i += 3; while (cerrors.elements[i]) { queue_push(out, cerrors.elements[i]); i++; } queue_push(out, 0); i++; nerrors++; } } else { if (todo.count) { fprintf(stderr, "Internal expansion error!\n"); queue_empty(out); queue_push(out, ERROR_NOPROVIDER); queue_push(out, 0); queue_push(out, 0); } } queue_free(&todo); queue_free(&qq); queue_free(&errors); queue_free(&cerrors); queue_free(&posfoundq); return nerrors; } void create_considered(Pool *pool, Repo *repoonly, Map *considered) { Id p, pb,*best; Solvable *s, *sb; int ridx; Repo *repo; map_init(considered, pool->nsolvables); best = sat_calloc(sizeof(Id), pool->ss.nstrings); FOR_REPOS(ridx, repo) { if (repoonly && repo != repoonly) continue; FOR_REPO_SOLVABLES(repo, p, s) { if (s->arch == ARCH_SRC || s->arch == ARCH_NOSRC) continue; pb = best[s->name]; if (pb) { sb = pool->solvables + pb; if (s->repo != sb->repo) continue; /* first repo wins */ else if (s->arch != sb->arch) { int r; if (s->arch == ARCH_NOARCH || s->arch == ARCH_ALL) continue; if (sb->arch != ARCH_NOARCH && sb->arch != ARCH_ALL) { r = strcmp(id2str(pool, sb->arch), id2str(pool, s->arch)); if (r >= 0) continue; } } else if (s->evr != sb->evr) { /* same repo, check versions */ int r = evrcmp(pool, sb->evr, s->evr, EVRCMP_COMPARE); if (r > 0) continue; else if (r == 0) { r = strcmp(id2str(pool, sb->evr), id2str(pool, s->evr)); if (r >= 0) continue; } } else continue; MAPCLR(considered, pb); } best[s->name] = p; MAPSET(considered, p); } } sat_free(best); } struct metaline { char *l; int lastoff; int nslash; int killed; }; static int metacmp(const void *ap, const void *bp) { const struct metaline *a, *b; int r; a = ap; b = bp; r = a->nslash - b->nslash; if (r) return r; r = strcmp(a->l + 34, b->l + 34); if (r) return r; r = strcmp(a->l, b->l); if (r) return r; return a - b; } Id repodata_addbin(Repodata *data, char *path, char *s, int sl, char *sid) { Pool *pool = data->repo->pool; char *sp; Id p; p = pool->nsolvables; if (!strcmp(s + sl - 4, ".rpm")) repo_add_rpms(data->repo, (const char **)&path, 1, REPO_REUSE_REPODATA|REPO_NO_INTERNALIZE|RPM_ADD_WITH_PKGID|RPM_ADD_NO_FILELIST|RPM_ADD_NO_RPMLIBREQS); else if (!strcmp(s + sl - 4, ".deb")) repo_add_debs(data->repo, (const char **)&path, 1, REPO_REUSE_REPODATA|REPO_NO_INTERNALIZE|DEBS_ADD_WITH_PKGID); else return 0; if (pool->nsolvables == p) return 0; if ((sp = strrchr(s, '/')) != 0) { *sp = 0; repodata_set_str(data, p, SOLVABLE_MEDIADIR, s); *sp = '/'; } else repodata_delete_uninternalized(data, p, SOLVABLE_MEDIADIR); repodata_set_str(data, p, buildservice_id, sid); return p; } MODULE = BSSolv PACKAGE = BSSolv void depsort(HV *deps, SV *mapp, SV *cycp, ...) PPCODE: { int i, j, k, cy, cycstart, nv; SV *sv, **svp; Id id, *e; Id *mark; char **names; Hashmask hm; Hashtable ht; Hashval h, hh; HV *mhv = 0; Queue edata; Queue vedge; Queue todo; Queue cycles; if (items == 3) XSRETURN_EMPTY; /* nothing to sort */ if (items == 4) { /* only one item */ char *s = SvPV_nolen(ST(2)); EXTEND(SP, 1); sv = newSVpv(s, 0); PUSHs(sv_2mortal(sv)); XSRETURN(1); /* nothing to sort */ } if (mapp && SvROK(mapp) && SvTYPE(SvRV(mapp)) == SVt_PVHV) mhv = (HV *)SvRV(mapp); queue_init(&edata); queue_init(&vedge); queue_init(&todo); queue_init(&cycles); hm = mkmask(items); ht = sat_calloc(hm + 1, sizeof(*ht)); names = sat_calloc(items, sizeof(char *)); nv = 1; for (i = 3; i < items; i++) { char *s = SvPV_nolen(ST(i)); h = strhash(s) & hm; hh = HASHCHAIN_START; while ((id = ht[h]) != 0) { if (!strcmp(names[id], s)) break; h = HASHCHAIN_NEXT(h, hh, hm); } if (id) continue; /* had that one before, ignore */ id = nv++; ht[h] = id; names[id] = s; } /* we now know all vertices, create edges */ queue_push(&vedge, 0); queue_push(&edata, 0); for (i = 1; i < nv; i++) { svp = hv_fetch(deps, names[i], strlen(names[i]), 0); sv = svp ? *svp : 0; queue_push(&vedge, edata.count); if (sv && SvROK(sv) && SvTYPE(SvRV(sv)) == SVt_PVAV) { AV *av = (AV *)SvRV(sv); for (j = 0; j <= av_len(av); j++) { char *s; STRLEN slen; svp = av_fetch(av, j, 0); if (!svp) continue; sv = *svp; s = SvPV(sv, slen); if (!s) continue; if (mhv) { /* look up in dep map */ svp = hv_fetch(mhv, s, slen, 0); if (svp) { s = SvPV(*svp, slen); if (!s) continue; } } /* look up in hash */ h = strhash(s) & hm; hh = HASHCHAIN_START; while ((id = ht[h]) != 0) { if (!strcmp(names[id], s)) break; h = HASHCHAIN_NEXT(h, hh, hm); } if (!id) continue; /* not known, ignore */ if (id == i) continue; /* no self edge */ queue_push(&edata, id); } } queue_push(&edata, 0); } sat_free(ht); if (0) { printf("vertexes: %d\n", vedge.count - 1); for (i = 1; i < vedge.count; i++) { printf("%d %s:", i, names[i]); Id *e = edata.elements + vedge.elements[i]; for (; *e; e++) printf(" %d", *e); printf("\n"); } } /* now everything is set up, sort em! */ mark = sat_calloc(vedge.count, sizeof(Id)); for (i = vedge.count - 1; i; i--) queue_push(&todo, i); EXTEND(SP, vedge.count - 1); while (todo.count) { i = queue_pop(&todo); // printf("check %d\n", i); if (i < 0) { i = -i; mark[i] = 2; sv = newSVpv(names[i], 0); PUSHs(sv_2mortal(sv)); continue; } if (mark[i] == 2) continue; if (mark[i] == 0) { int edgestovisit = 0; Id *e = edata.elements + vedge.elements[i]; for (; *e; e++) { if (*e == -1) continue; /* broken */ if (mark[*e] == 2) continue; if (!edgestovisit++) queue_push(&todo, -i); queue_push(&todo, *e); } if (!edgestovisit) { mark[i] = 2; sv = newSVpv(names[i], 0); PUSHs(sv_2mortal(sv)); } else mark[i] = 1; continue; } /* oh no, we found a cycle, record and break it */ cy = cycles.count; for (j = todo.count - 1; j >= 0; j--) if (todo.elements[j] == -i) break; cycstart = j; // printf("cycle:\n"); for (j = cycstart; j < todo.count; j++) if (todo.elements[j] < 0) { k = -todo.elements[j]; mark[k] = 0; queue_push(&cycles, k); // printf(" %d\n", k); } queue_push(&cycles, 0); todo.elements[cycstart] = i; /* break it */ for (k = cy; cycles.elements[k]; k++) ; if (!cycles.elements[k]) k = cy; j = cycles.elements[k + 1] ? cycles.elements[k + 1] : cycles.elements[cy]; k = cycles.elements[k]; /* breaking edge from k -> j */ // printf("break %d -> %d\n", k, j); e = edata.elements + vedge.elements[k]; for (; *e; e++) if (*e == j) break; if (!*e) abort(); *e = -1; todo.count = cycstart + 1; } /* recored cycles */ if (cycles.count && cycp && SvROK(cycp) && SvTYPE(SvRV(cycp)) == SVt_PVAV) { AV *av = (AV *)SvRV(cycp); for (i = 0; i < cycles.count;) { AV *av2 = newAV(); for (; cycles.elements[i]; i++) { SV *sv = newSVpv(names[cycles.elements[i]], 0); av_push(av2, sv); } av_push(av, newRV_noinc((SV*)av2)); i++; } } queue_free(&cycles); queue_free(&edata); queue_free(&vedge); queue_free(&todo); sat_free(mark); sat_free(names); } void gen_meta(AV *subp, ...) PPCODE: { Hashmask hm; Hashtable ht; Hashval h, hh; char **subpacks; struct metaline *lines, *lp; int nlines; int i, j, cycle, ns; char *s, *s2, *lo; Id id; Queue cycles; Id cycles_buf[64]; if (items == 1) XSRETURN_EMPTY; /* nothing to generate */ queue_init_buffer(&cycles, cycles_buf, sizeof(cycles_buf)/sizeof(*cycles_buf)); hm = mkmask(av_len(subp) + 2); ht = sat_calloc(hm + 1, sizeof(*ht)); subpacks = sat_calloc(av_len(subp) + 2, sizeof(char *)); for (j = 0; j <= av_len(subp); j++) { SV **svp = av_fetch(subp, j, 0); if (!svp) continue; s = SvPV_nolen(*svp); h = strhash(s) & hm; hh = HASHCHAIN_START; while ((id = ht[h]) != 0) h = HASHCHAIN_NEXT(h, hh, hm); ht[h] = j + 1; subpacks[j + 1] = s; } lines = sat_calloc(items - 1, sizeof(*lines)); nlines = items - 1; /* lines are of the form "md5sum pkg/pkg..." */ for (i = 0, lp = lines; i < nlines; i++, lp++) { s = SvPV_nolen(ST(i + 1)); if (strlen(s) < 35 || s[32] != ' ' || s[33] != ' ') croak("gen_meta: bad line %s\n", s); /* count '/' */ lp->l = s; ns = 0; cycle = 0; lo = s + 34; for (s2 = lo; *s2; s2++) if (*s2 == '/') { if (!cycle) { *s2 = 0; h = strhash(lo) & hm; hh = HASHCHAIN_START; while ((id = ht[h]) != 0) { if (!strcmp(lo, subpacks[id])) break; h = HASHCHAIN_NEXT(h, hh, hm); } *s2 = '/'; if (id) cycle = 1 + ns; } ns++; lo = s2 + 1; } if (!cycle) { h = strhash(lo) & hm; hh = HASHCHAIN_START; while ((id = ht[h]) != 0) { if (!strcmp(lo, subpacks[id])) break; h = HASHCHAIN_NEXT(h, hh, hm); } if (id) cycle = 1 + ns; } if (cycle) { lp->killed = 1; if (cycle > 1) /* ignore self cycles */ queue_push(&cycles, i); } lp->nslash = ns; lp->lastoff = lo - s; } sat_free(ht); sat_free(subpacks); /* if we found cycles, prune em */ if (cycles.count) { char *cycledata = 0; int cycledatalen = 0; cycledata = sat_extend(cycledata, cycledatalen, 1, 1, 255); cycledata[0] = 0; cycledatalen += 1; hm = mkmask(cycles.count); ht = sat_calloc(hm + 1, sizeof(*ht)); for (i = 0; i < cycles.count; i++) { char *se; s = lines[cycles.elements[i]].l + 34; se = strchr(s, '/'); if (se) *se = 0; h = strhash(s) & hm; hh = HASHCHAIN_START; while ((id = ht[h]) != 0) { if (!strcmp(s, cycledata + id)) break; h = HASHCHAIN_NEXT(h, hh, hm); } if (id) continue; cycledata = sat_extend(cycledata, cycledatalen, strlen(s) + 1, 1, 255); ht[h] = cycledatalen; strcpy(cycledata + cycledatalen, s); cycledatalen += strlen(s) + 1; if (se) *se = '/'; } for (i = 0, lp = lines; i < nlines; i++, lp++) { if (lp->killed || !lp->nslash) continue; lo = strchr(lp->l + 34, '/') + 1; for (s2 = lo; *s2; s2++) if (*s2 == '/') { *s2 = 0; h = strhash(lo) & hm; hh = HASHCHAIN_START; while ((id = ht[h]) != 0) { if (!strcmp(lo, cycledata + id)) break; h = HASHCHAIN_NEXT(h, hh, hm); } *s2 = '/'; if (id) { lp->killed = 1; break; } lo = s2 + 1; } if (lp->killed) continue; h = strhash(lo) & hm; hh = HASHCHAIN_START; while ((id = ht[h]) != 0) { if (!strcmp(lo, cycledata + id)) break; h = HASHCHAIN_NEXT(h, hh, hm); } if (id) { lp->killed = 1; } } sat_free(ht); cycledata = sat_free(cycledata); queue_free(&cycles); } /* cycles are pruned, now sort array */ if (nlines > 1) qsort(lines, nlines, sizeof(*lines), metacmp); hm = mkmask(nlines); ht = sat_calloc(hm + 1, sizeof(*ht)); for (i = 0, lp = lines; i < nlines; i++, lp++) { if (lp->killed) continue; s = lp->l; h = strnhash(s, 10); h = strhash_cont(s + lp->lastoff, h) & hm; hh = HASHCHAIN_START; while ((id = ht[h]) != 0) { struct metaline *lp2 = lines + (id - 1); if (!strncmp(lp->l, lp2->l, 32) && !strcmp(lp->l + lp->lastoff, lp2->l + lp2->lastoff)) break; h = HASHCHAIN_NEXT(h, hh, hm); } if (id) lp->killed = 1; else ht[h] = i + 1; } sat_free(ht); j = 0; for (i = 0, lp = lines; i < nlines; i++, lp++) if (!lp->killed) j++; EXTEND(SP, j); for (i = 0, lp = lines; i < nlines; i++, lp++) { SV *sv; if (lp->killed) continue; sv = newSVpv(lp->l, 0); PUSHs(sv_2mortal(sv)); } sat_free(lines); } MODULE = BSSolv PACKAGE = BSSolv::pool PREFIX = pool PROTOTYPES: ENABLE BSSolv::pool new(packname = "BSSolv::pool") char *packname; CODE: { Pool *pool = pool_create(); pool_setdisttype(pool, DISTTYPE_RPM); buildservice_id = str2id(pool, "buildservice:id", 1); buildservice_repocookie= str2id(pool, "buildservice:repocookie", 1); buildservice_external = str2id(pool, "buildservice:external", 1); pool_freeidhashes(pool); RETVAL = pool; } OUTPUT: RETVAL void settype(BSSolv::pool pool, char *type) CODE: if (!strcmp(type, "rpm")) pool_setdisttype(pool, DISTTYPE_RPM); else if (!strcmp(type, "deb")) pool_setdisttype(pool, DISTTYPE_DEB); else croak("settype: unknown type '%s'\n", type); BSSolv::repo repofromfile(BSSolv::pool pool, char *name, char *filename) CODE: FILE *fp; fp = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!fp) { croak("%s: %s\n", filename, Strerror(errno)); XSRETURN_UNDEF; } RETVAL = repo_create(pool, name); repo_add_solv(RETVAL, fp); fclose(fp); OUTPUT: RETVAL BSSolv::repo repofromstr(BSSolv::pool pool, char *name, SV *sv) CODE: FILE *fp; STRLEN len; char *buf; buf = SvPV(sv, len); if (!buf) croak("repofromstr: undef string\n"); fp = fmemopen(buf, len, "r"); if (!fp) { croak("fmemopen failed\n"); XSRETURN_UNDEF; } RETVAL = repo_create(pool, name); repo_add_solv(RETVAL, fp); fclose(fp); OUTPUT: RETVAL BSSolv::repo repofrombins(BSSolv::pool pool, char *name, char *dir, ...) CODE: { int i; Repo *repo; Repodata *data; repo = repo_create(pool, name); data = repo_add_repodata(repo, 0); for (i = 3; i + 1 < items; i += 2) { STRLEN sl; char *path; char *s = SvPV(ST(i), sl); char *sid = SvPV_nolen(ST(i + 1)); if (sl < 4) continue; if (strcmp(s + sl - 4, ".rpm") && strcmp(s + sl - 4, ".deb")) continue; if (sl > 10 && !strcmp(s + sl - 10, ".patch.rpm")) continue; if (sl > 10 && !strcmp(s + sl - 10, ".nosrc.rpm")) continue; if (sl > 8 && !strcmp(s + sl - 8, ".src.rpm")) continue; path = sat_dupjoin(dir, "/", s); repodata_addbin(data, path, s, (int)sl, sid); free(path); } repo_set_str(repo, SOLVID_META, buildservice_repocookie, REPOCOOKIE); repo_internalize(repo); RETVAL = repo; } OUTPUT: RETVAL BSSolv::repo repofromdata(BSSolv::pool pool, char *name, HV *rhv) CODE: { Repo *repo; Repodata *data; SV *sv; HV *hv; AV *av; int i; char *str, *key; I32 keyl; Id p; Solvable *s; repo = repo_create(pool, name); data = repo_add_repodata(repo, 0); hv_iterinit(rhv); while ((sv = hv_iternextsv(rhv, &key, &keyl)) != 0) { if (!SvROK(sv) || SvTYPE(SvRV(sv)) != SVt_PVHV) continue; hv = (HV *)SvRV(sv); str = hvlookupstr(hv, "name", 4); if (!str) continue; /* need to have a name */ p = repo_add_solvable(repo); s = pool_id2solvable(pool, p); s->name = str2id(pool, str, 1); str = hvlookupstr(hv, "arch", 4); if (!str) str = ""; /* dummy, need to have arch */ s->arch = str2id(pool, str, 1); s->evr = makeevr(pool, hvlookupstr(hv, "epoch", 5), hvlookupstr(hv, "version", 7), hvlookupstr(hv, "release", 7)); str = hvlookupstr(hv, "path", 4); if (str) { char *ss = strrchr(str, '/'); if (ss) { *ss = 0; repodata_set_str(data, p, SOLVABLE_MEDIADIR, str); *ss++ = '/'; } else ss = str; repodata_set_str(data, p, SOLVABLE_MEDIAFILE, ss); } str = hvlookupstr(hv, "id", 2); if (str) repodata_set_str(data, p, buildservice_id, str); str = hvlookupstr(hv, "source", 6); if (str) repodata_set_poolstr(data, p, SOLVABLE_SOURCENAME, str); str = hvlookupstr(hv, "hdrmd5", 6); if (str && strlen(str) == 32) repodata_set_checksum(data, p, SOLVABLE_PKGID, REPOKEY_TYPE_MD5, str); av = hvlookupav(hv, "provides", 8); if (av) { for (i = 0; i <= av_len(av); i++) { str = avlookupstr(av, i); if (str) s->provides = repo_addid_dep(repo, s->provides, dep2id(pool, str), 0); } } av = hvlookupav(hv, "requires", 8); if (av) { for (i = 0; i <= av_len(av); i++) { str = avlookupstr(av, i); if (str) s->requires = repo_addid_dep(repo, s->requires, dep2id(pool, str), 0); } } if (!s->evr && s->provides) { /* look for self provides */ Id pro, *prop = s->repo->idarraydata + s->provides; while ((pro = *prop++) != 0) { Reldep *rd; if (!ISRELDEP(pro)) continue; rd = GETRELDEP(pool, pro); if (rd->name == s->name && rd->flags == REL_EQ) s->evr = rd->evr; } } if (s->evr) s->provides = repo_addid_dep(repo, s->provides, rel2id(pool, s->name, s->evr, REL_EQ, 1), 0); } repodata_set_str(data, SOLVID_META, buildservice_repocookie, REPOCOOKIE); if (name && !strcmp(name, "/external/")) repodata_set_void(data, SOLVID_META, buildservice_external); repo_internalize(repo); RETVAL = repo; } OUTPUT: RETVAL void createwhatprovides(BSSolv::pool pool) CODE: if (pool->considered) { map_free(pool->considered); sat_free(pool->considered); } pool->considered = sat_calloc(sizeof(Map), 1); create_considered(pool, 0, pool->considered); pool_createwhatprovides(pool); void setdebuglevel(BSSolv::pool pool, int level) CODE: pool_setdebuglevel(pool, level); AV * whatprovides(BSSolv::pool pool, char *str) CODE: { Id p, pp, id; RETVAL = newAV(); sv_2mortal((SV*)RETVAL); id = str2id(pool, str, 0); if (id) FOR_PROVIDES(p, pp, id) { SV *reposv = newSV(0); sv_setref_pv(reposv, "BSSolv::repo", (void *)pool->solvables[p].repo); av_push(RETVAL, reposv); av_push(RETVAL, newSViv(p)); } } OUTPUT: RETVAL void consideredpackages(BSSolv::pool pool) PPCODE: { int p, nsolv = 0; for (p = 2; p < pool->nsolvables; p++) if (MAPTST(pool->considered, p)) nsolv++; EXTEND(SP, nsolv); for (p = 2; p < pool->nsolvables; p++) if (MAPTST(pool->considered, p)) PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv((IV)p))); } const char * pkg2name(BSSolv::pool pool, int p) CODE: RETVAL = id2str(pool, pool->solvables[p].name); OUTPUT: RETVAL const char * pkg2srcname(BSSolv::pool pool, int p) CODE: if (solvable_lookup_void(pool->solvables + p, SOLVABLE_SOURCENAME)) RETVAL = id2str(pool, pool->solvables[p].name); else RETVAL = solvable_lookup_str(pool->solvables + p, SOLVABLE_SOURCENAME); OUTPUT: RETVAL const char * pkg2pkgid(BSSolv::pool pool, int p) CODE: { Id type; const char *s = solvable_lookup_checksum(pool->solvables + p, SOLVABLE_PKGID, &type); RETVAL = s; } OUTPUT: RETVAL const char * pkg2bsid(BSSolv::pool pool, int p) CODE: RETVAL = solvable_lookup_str(pool->solvables + p, buildservice_id); OUTPUT: RETVAL const char * pkg2reponame(BSSolv::pool pool, int p) CODE: { Repo *repo = pool->solvables[p].repo; RETVAL = repo ? repo->name : 0; } OUTPUT: RETVAL const char * pkg2path(BSSolv::pool pool, int p) CODE: { unsigned int medianr; RETVAL = solvable_get_location(pool->solvables + p, &medianr); } OUTPUT: RETVAL const char * pkg2fullpath(BSSolv::pool pool, int p, char *myarch) CODE: { unsigned int medianr; const char *s = solvable_get_location(pool->solvables + p, &medianr); Repo *repo = pool->solvables[p].repo; s = pool_tmpjoin(pool, myarch, "/:full/", s); RETVAL = pool_tmpjoin(pool, repo->name, "/", s); } OUTPUT: RETVAL int pkg2sizek(BSSolv::pool pool, int p) CODE: RETVAL = solvable_lookup_num(pool->solvables + p, SOLVABLE_DOWNLOADSIZE, 0); OUTPUT: RETVAL HV * pkg2data(BSSolv::pool pool, int p) CODE: { Solvable *s = pool->solvables + p; AV *av; Id id; const char *ss, *se; unsigned int medianr; if (!s->repo) XSRETURN_EMPTY; RETVAL = newHV(); sv_2mortal((SV*)RETVAL); (void)hv_store(RETVAL, "name", 4, newSVpv(id2str(pool, s->name), 0), 0); ss = id2str(pool, s->evr); se = ss; while (*se >= '0' && *se <= '9') se++; if (se != ss && *se == ':' && se[1]) { (void)hv_store(RETVAL, "epoch", 5, newSVpvn(ss, se - ss), 0); ss = se + 1; } se = strrchr(ss, '-'); if (se) { (void)hv_store(RETVAL, "version", 7, newSVpvn(ss, se - ss), 0); (void)hv_store(RETVAL, "release", 7, newSVpv(se + 1, 0), 0); } else (void)hv_store(RETVAL, "version", 7, newSVpv(ss, 0), 0); (void)hv_store(RETVAL, "arch", 4, newSVpv(id2str(pool, s->arch), 0), 0); av = newAV(); if (s->provides) { Id *pp = s->repo->idarraydata + s->provides; while ((id = *pp++)) { if (id == SOLVABLE_FILEMARKER) break; av_push(av, newSVpv(dep2str(pool, id), 0)); } } (void)hv_store(RETVAL, "provides", 8, newRV_noinc((SV*)av), 0); av = newAV(); if (s->requires) { Id *pp = s->repo->idarraydata + s->requires; while ((id = *pp++)) { if (id == SOLVABLE_PREREQMARKER) continue; ss = dep2str(pool, id); if (*ss == '/') continue; if (*ss == 'r' && !strncmp(ss, "rpmlib(", 7)) continue; av_push(av, newSVpv(ss, 0)); } } (void)hv_store(RETVAL, "requires", 8, newRV_noinc((SV*)av), 0); if (solvable_lookup_void(s, SOLVABLE_SOURCENAME)) ss = id2str(pool, s->name); else ss = solvable_lookup_str(s, SOLVABLE_SOURCENAME); if (ss) (void)hv_store(RETVAL, "source", 6, newSVpv(ss, 0), 0); ss = solvable_get_location(s, &medianr); if (ss) (void)hv_store(RETVAL, "path", 4, newSVpv(ss, 0), 0); ss = solvable_lookup_checksum(s, SOLVABLE_PKGID, &id); if (ss && id == REPOKEY_TYPE_MD5) (void)hv_store(RETVAL, "hdrmd5", 6, newSVpv(ss, 0), 0); ss = solvable_lookup_str(s, buildservice_id); if (ss) (void)hv_store(RETVAL, "id", 2, newSVpv(ss, 0), 0); } OUTPUT: RETVAL void repos(BSSolv::pool pool) PPCODE: { int ridx; Repo *repo; EXTEND(SP, pool->nrepos); FOR_REPOS(ridx, repo) { SV *sv = sv_newmortal(); sv_setref_pv(sv, "BSSolv::repo", (void *)repo); PUSHs(sv); } } void DESTROY(BSSolv::pool pool) CODE: if (pool->considered) { map_free(pool->considered); pool->considered = sat_free(pool->considered); } pool_free(pool); MODULE = BSSolv PACKAGE = BSSolv::repo PREFIX = repo void pkgnames(BSSolv::repo repo) PPCODE: { Pool *pool = repo->pool; Id p; Solvable *s; Map c; create_considered(pool, repo, &c); EXTEND(SP, 2 * repo->nsolvables); FOR_REPO_SOLVABLES(repo, p, s) { if (!MAPTST(&c, p)) continue; PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(id2str(pool, s->name), 0))); PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(p))); } map_free(&c); } void tofile(BSSolv::repo repo, char *filename) CODE: { FILE *fp; fp = fopen(filename, "w"); if (fp == 0) croak("%s: %s\n", filename, Strerror(errno)); repo_write(repo, fp, myrepowritefilter, 0, 0); if (fclose(fp)) croak("fclose: %s\n", Strerror(errno)); } SV * tostr(BSSolv::repo repo) CODE: { FILE *fp; char *buf; size_t len; fp = open_memstream(&buf, &len); if (fp == 0) croak("open_memstream: %s\n", Strerror(errno)); repo_write(repo, fp, myrepowritefilter, 0, 0); if (fclose(fp)) croak("fclose: %s\n", Strerror(errno)); RETVAL = newSVpvn(buf, len); free(buf); } OUTPUT: RETVAL int updatefrombins(BSSolv::repo repo, char *dir, ...) CODE: { Pool *pool = repo->pool; int i; Repodata *data = 0; Hashmask hm; Hashtable ht; Hashval h, hh; int dirty = 0; Map reused; int oldend = 0; Id p, id; Solvable *s; STRLEN sl; char *path; const char *oldcookie; map_init(&reused, repo->end - repo->start); hm = mkmask(2 * repo->nsolvables + 1); ht = sat_calloc(hm + 1, sizeof(*ht)); oldcookie = repo_lookup_str(repo, SOLVID_META, buildservice_repocookie); if (oldcookie && !strcmp(oldcookie, REPOCOOKIE)) { FOR_REPO_SOLVABLES(repo, p, s) { const char *str = solvable_lookup_str(s, buildservice_id); if (!str) continue; h = strhash(str) & hm; hh = HASHCHAIN_START; while ((id = ht[h]) != 0) h = HASHCHAIN_NEXT(h, hh, hm); ht[h] = p; } } if (repo->end != repo->start) oldend = repo->end; for (i = 2; i + 1 < items; i += 2) { char *s = SvPV(ST(i), sl); char *sid = SvPV_nolen(ST(i + 1)); if (sl < 4) continue; if (strcmp(s + sl - 4, ".rpm") && strcmp(s + sl - 4, ".deb")) continue; if (sl > 10 && !strcmp(s + sl - 10, ".patch.rpm")) continue; if (sl > 10 && !strcmp(s + sl - 10, ".nosrc.rpm")) continue; if (sl > 8 && !strcmp(s + sl - 8, ".src.rpm")) continue; path = sat_dupjoin(dir, "/", s); h = strhash(sid) & hm; hh = HASHCHAIN_START; while ((id = ht[h]) != 0) { const char *str = solvable_lookup_str(pool->solvables + id, buildservice_id); if (!strcmp(str, sid)) { /* check location */ unsigned int medianr; str = solvable_get_location(pool->solvables + id, &medianr); if (str[0] == '.' && str[1] == '/') str += 2; if (!strcmp(str, s)) break; } h = HASHCHAIN_NEXT(h, hh, hm); } if (id) { /* same id and location, reuse old entry */ MAPSET(&reused, id - repo->start); } else { /* add new entry */ dirty++; if (!data) data = repo_add_repodata(repo, 0); repodata_addbin(data, path, s, (int)sl, sid); } free(path); } sat_free(ht); if (oldcookie) { if (strcmp(oldcookie, REPOCOOKIE)) { if (data && data != repo->repodata) repodata_internalize(data); data = repo->repodata; repodata_set_str(data, SOLVID_META, buildservice_repocookie, REPOCOOKIE); } } else { if (!data) data = repo_add_repodata(repo, 0); repodata_set_str(data, SOLVID_META, buildservice_repocookie, REPOCOOKIE); } if (data) repodata_internalize(data); if (oldend) { for (i = repo->start; i < oldend; i++) { if (pool->solvables[i].repo != repo) continue; if (MAPTST(&reused, i - repo->start)) continue; if (dirty <= 0) dirty--; repo_free_solvable_block(repo, i, 1, 0); } } map_free(&reused); RETVAL = dirty; } OUTPUT: RETVAL void getpathid(BSSolv::repo repo) PPCODE: { Id p; Solvable *s; EXTEND(SP, repo->nsolvables * 2); FOR_REPO_SOLVABLES(repo, p, s) { unsigned int medianr; const char *str; str = solvable_get_location(s, &medianr); PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(str, 0))); str = solvable_lookup_str(s, buildservice_id); PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(str, 0))); } } const char * name(BSSolv::repo repo) CODE: RETVAL = repo->name; OUTPUT: RETVAL int isexternal(BSSolv::repo repo) CODE: RETVAL = repo_lookup_void(repo, SOLVID_META, buildservice_external) ? 1 : 0; OUTPUT: RETVAL MODULE = BSSolv PACKAGE = BSSolv::expander PREFIX = expander BSSolv::expander new(char *packname = "BSSolv::expander", BSSolv::pool pool, HV *config) CODE: { SV *sv, **svp; char *str; int i, neg; Id id, id2; Expander *xp; xp = calloc(sizeof(Expander), 1); xp->pool = pool; svp = hv_fetch(config, "prefer", 6, 0); sv = svp ? *svp : 0; if (sv && SvROK(sv) && SvTYPE(SvRV(sv)) == SVt_PVAV) { AV *av = (AV *)SvRV(sv); for (i = 0; i <= av_len(av); i++) { svp = av_fetch(av, i, 0); if (!svp) continue; sv = *svp; str = SvPV_nolen(sv); if (!str) continue; neg = 0; if (*str == '-') { neg = 1; str++; } id = str2id(pool, str, 1); id2 = 0; if ((str = strchr(str, ':')) != 0) id2 = str2id(pool, str + 1, 1); if (neg) { MAPEXP(&xp->preferneg, id); MAPSET(&xp->preferneg, id); if (id2) { MAPEXP(&xp->prefernegx, id2); MAPSET(&xp->prefernegx, id2); } } else { queue_push(&xp->preferposq, id); MAPEXP(&xp->preferpos, id); MAPSET(&xp->preferpos, id); if (id2) { MAPEXP(&xp->preferposx, id2); MAPSET(&xp->preferposx, id2); } } } } svp = hv_fetch(config, "ignoreh", 7, 0); sv = svp ? *svp : 0; if (sv && SvROK(sv) && SvTYPE(SvRV(sv)) == SVt_PVHV) { HV *hv = (HV *)SvRV(sv); HE *he; hv_iterinit(hv); while ((he = hv_iternext(hv)) != 0) { I32 strl; str = hv_iterkey(he, &strl); if (!str) continue; id = str2id(pool, str, 1); id2 = 0; if ((str = strchr(str, ':')) != 0) id2 = str2id(pool, str + 1, 1); MAPEXP(&xp->ignored, id); MAPSET(&xp->ignored, id); if (id2) { MAPEXP(&xp->ignoredx, id2); MAPSET(&xp->ignoredx, id2); } } } svp = hv_fetch(config, "conflict", 8, 0); sv = svp ? *svp : 0; if (sv && SvROK(sv) && SvTYPE(SvRV(sv)) == SVt_PVAV) { AV *av = (AV *)SvRV(sv); for (i = 0; i <= av_len(av); i++) { char *p; Id id2; svp = av_fetch(av, i, 0); if (!svp) continue; sv = *svp; str = SvPV_nolen(sv); if (!str) continue; p = strchr(str, ':'); if (!p) continue; id = strn2id(pool, str, p - str, 1); str = p + 1; while ((p = strchr(str, ',')) != 0) { id2 = strn2id(pool, str, p - str, 1); queue_push2(&xp->conflictsq, id, id2); MAPEXP(&xp->conflicts, id); MAPSET(&xp->conflicts, id); MAPEXP(&xp->conflicts, id2); MAPSET(&xp->conflicts, id2); str = p + 1; } id2 = str2id(pool, str, 1); queue_push2(&xp->conflictsq, id, id2); MAPEXP(&xp->conflicts, id); MAPSET(&xp->conflicts, id); MAPEXP(&xp->conflicts, id2); MAPSET(&xp->conflicts, id2); } } sv = get_sv("Build::expand_dbg", FALSE); if (sv && SvTRUE(sv)) xp->debug = 1; RETVAL = xp; } OUTPUT: RETVAL void expand(BSSolv::expander xp, ...) PPCODE: { Pool *pool; int i, nerrors; Id id, who; Queue revertignore, in, out; queue_init(&revertignore); queue_init(&in); queue_init(&out); pool = xp->pool; for (i = 1; i < items; i++) { char *s = SvPV_nolen(ST(i)); if (*s == '-') { Id id = str2id(pool, s + 1, 1); MAPEXP(&xp->ignored, id); if (MAPTST(&xp->ignored, id)) continue; MAPSET(&xp->ignored, id); queue_push(&revertignore, id); if ((s = strchr(s + 1, ':')) != 0) { id = str2id(pool, s + 1, 1); MAPEXP(&xp->ignored, id); if (MAPTST(&xp->ignoredx, id)) continue; MAPSET(&xp->ignoredx, id); queue_push(&revertignore, -id); } } else { Id id = dep2id(pool, s); queue_push(&in, id); } } MAPEXP(&xp->ignored, pool->ss.nstrings); MAPEXP(&xp->ignoredx, pool->ss.nstrings); MAPEXP(&xp->preferpos, pool->ss.nstrings); MAPEXP(&xp->preferposx, pool->ss.nstrings); MAPEXP(&xp->preferneg, pool->ss.nstrings); MAPEXP(&xp->prefernegx, pool->ss.nstrings); MAPEXP(&xp->conflicts, pool->ss.nstrings); nerrors = expander_expand(xp, &in, &out); /* revert ignores */ for (i = 0; i < revertignore.count; i++) { id = revertignore.elements[i]; if (id > 0) MAPCLR(&xp->ignored, id); else MAPCLR(&xp->ignoredx, -id); } queue_free(&revertignore); queue_free(&in); if (nerrors) { EXTEND(SP, nerrors + 1); PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSV(0))); for (i = 0; i < out.count; ) { SV *sv; Id type = out.elements[i]; if (type == ERROR_NOPROVIDER) { id = out.elements[i + 1]; who = out.elements[i + 2]; if (who) sv = newSVpvf("nothing provides %s needed by %s", dep2str(pool, id), id2str(pool, pool->solvables[who].name)); else sv = newSVpvf("nothing provides %s", dep2str(pool, id)); i += 3; } else if (type == ERROR_CHOICE) { int j; char *str = ""; for (j = i + 3; out.elements[j]; j++) { Solvable *s = pool->solvables + out.elements[j]; str = pool_tmpjoin(pool, str, " ", id2str(pool, s->name)); } if (*str) str++; /* skip starting ' ' */ id = out.elements[i + 1]; who = out.elements[i + 2]; if (who) sv = newSVpvf("have choice for %s needed by %s: %s", dep2str(pool, id), id2str(pool, pool->solvables[who].name), str); else sv = newSVpvf("have choice for %s: %s", dep2str(pool, id), str); i = j + 1; } else croak("expander: bad error type\n"); PUSHs(sv_2mortal(sv)); } } else { EXTEND(SP, out.count + 1); PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv((IV)1))); for (i = 0; i < out.count; i++) { Solvable *s = pool->solvables + out.elements[i]; PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(id2str(pool, s->name), 0))); } } queue_free(&out); } void DESTROY(BSSolv::expander xp) CODE: map_free(&xp->ignored); map_free(&xp->ignoredx); queue_free(&xp->preferposq); map_free(&xp->preferpos); map_free(&xp->preferposx); map_free(&xp->preferneg); map_free(&xp->prefernegx); queue_free(&xp->conflictsq); map_free(&xp->conflicts); sat_free(xp);