jabber php classes
XMPPHP is the successor to Class.Jabber.PHP that I've been promising for years. Taking advantage of PHP5, I believe it to be an elegant solution with a direct approach. Some of the features include: * Connect to any XMPP 1.0 server (Google Talk, LJ Talk, jabber.org, etc) * Supports TLS encryption * Several XML processing approaches and supported styles (process indefinitely, processUntil an event, processTime for a number of seconds), waiting on events or map them, etc.
- 6 errors
- Links to server:php:applications / php-pear-xmpphp
- Has a link diff
Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename | Size | Changed | Actions |
_link | 0000000190190 Bytes | 1237729024almost 16 years ago |
Latest Revision
almost 16 years ago (revision 1)