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+Nagios Documentation
+1) Quickstart
+A quickstart installation guide can now be found in the
+package nagios-www. You can find the quickstart guide
+(quickstart.html) in the following subdirectory:
+ DATADIR/docs/
+The quickstart covers all the basic steps you need to follow
+to install Nagios, the Nagios plugins, and start out monitoring
+the machine that Nagios is installed on.
+* Remember to create a htpasswd.users file in SYSCONFDIR:
+* htpasswd2 -c SYSCONFDIR/htpasswd.users nagiosadmin
+* And set the correct rights for this file:
+* chmod 640 SYSCONFDIR/htpasswd.users
+* chown root:www SYSCONFDIR/htpasswd.users
+* You should also add a mail alias for the nagiosadmin to your
+* /etc/aliases file like:
+* nagiosadmin: root
+* and afterwards update the database with "newaliases"
+* Note: the RPM tries to do this automatically
+2) Upgrading
+The HTML documentation covers what you need to know in order
+to upgrade from Nagios 2.x You can find the documentation in
+the package nagios-www in the following subdirectory:
+ DATADIR/docs/
+Make sure to read the following sections:
+- "What's New" (whatsnew.html)
+- "Upgrading Nagios" (upgrading.html)
+The SuSE RPM package will try to do the necessary steps automatically
+during an upgrade. But you should check the resulting nagios.conf
+against the backup version in the /etc/nagios directory (it contains
+the update date).