Logoj0ke.net Open Build Service > Projects > internetx:php7:7.0.22 > freetds > Binaries > freetds-devel-0.95.95-59.3....
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Detailed Information About freetds-devel-0.95.95-59.3.i586.rpm

Title: Include files needed for development with FreeTDS

The freetds-devel package contains the files necessary for development with
the FreeTDS libraries.

Version: 0.95.95

Release: 59.3

Architecture: i586

Size: 54.2 KB

Build Time: 2017-08-28 10:48:58 +0200 (about 7 years ago)


Symbol Required by
freetds-devel = 0.95.95-59.3


Symbol Provided by
libct4 = 0.95.95 libct4
libsybdb5 = 0.95.95 libsybdb5
libtdsodbc0 = 0.95.95 libtdsodbc0