Logoj0ke.net Open Build Service > Projects > home:jg > cronolog > Binaries > cronolog-1.6.2-7.1.src.rpm
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Detailed Information About cronolog-1.6.2-7.1.src.rpm

Title: Web log rotation program for Apache

cronolog is a simple filter program that reads log file entries from
standard input and writes each entry to the output file specified
by a filename template and the current date and time. When the
expanded filename changes, the current file is closed and a new one
opened. cronolog is intended to be used in conjunction with a Web server,
such as Apache, to split the access log into daily or monthly logs.

Version: 1.6.2

Release: 7.1

Architecture: src

Size: 136 KB

Build Time: 2010-07-08 14:23:53 +0200 (about 14 years ago)


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