Logoj0ke.net Open Build Service > Projects > home:jg > ccache > Binaries > ccache-3.0-1.1.src.rpm
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Detailed Information About ccache-3.0-1.1.src.rpm

Title: C/C++ compiler cache

ccache is a compiler cache. It speeds up recompilation of C/C++ code
by caching previous compiles and detecting when the same compile is
being done again. The main focus is to handle the GNU C/C++ compiler
(GCC), but it may also work with compilers that mimic GCC good enough.

Version: 3.0

Release: 1.1

Architecture: src

Size: 188 KB

Build Time: 2010-07-08 14:25:15 +0200 (about 14 years ago)


Symbol Required by
No provides


Symbol Provided by
perl(File::Spec) perl-base
zlib-devel >= 1.2.3 zlib-devel